Legal Services for Employees
Legal Services for Employees
Do you know your extensive rights as an employee? We do, and we know how to enforce them if you are faced with problems in the workplace.
It could be redundancy, discrimination, bullying, harassment, victimisation, or whistleblowing. It may be professional misconduct, breach of contract, health and safety, unpaid wages, holidays, or notice pay. Perhaps your employer wants a protected conversation or is offering a settlement agreement. Maybe you want flexible working or maternity leave. Especially in the time of Covid-19, it could be a medical problem, issues with furlough, or childcare, or perhaps your employer is not adhering to Covid-19 regulations etc. There is a host of possibilities in today’s climate.
Whatever problems in the workplace you may be facing, EMC Employment Solicitors has extensive experience in successfully addressing employee problems in the workplace, in employment tribunals, at professional hearings, and disciplinary tribunals. Therefore, do not wait and wonder. Whatever the problem, contact us as we are always on hand to offer expert, relevant, and up to date legal advice for employees.
Private Criminal Defence Representation
Problems in the workplace can sometimes arise from unwelcome attention from the authorities. Possibly through no fault of your own, you may find yourself caught in a situation where your livelihood is threatened by a road traffic offence, allegations of dishonesty, public order offences, criminal conduct, or other unfortunate, sensitive issues which could damage your career. If this is the case, we can help.
We have amassed considerable experience in discreet, private criminal defence representation which could make a world of difference to your future. If you need our help, can you afford not to take it? For further information contact us.
Please note we do not offer a Criminal Legal Aid service.